[TenTec] 282

Ron Notarius W3WN wn3vaw at verizon.net
Fri Oct 19 20:51:01 EDT 2007

True, but I'd rather have the filter.

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Dr. Gerald N. Johnson
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2007 6:34 PM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TenTec] 282

On Fri, 2007-10-19 at 17:59 -0400, Ron Notarius W3WN wrote:
> Three questions about the one thing my Corsair II lacks:
> 1.  Anyone know the about how much a Model 282 250 Hz CW filter is going
> these days?
> 2.  Any suggestions on an equivalent filter (beside the 2082, of course)?
> 3.  Anyone have one to spare?
> Not a matter of urgency, but if I can find another filter at the right
> price... especially before the wife starts christmas shopping next
> <g>
> 73, ron w3wn

With the standard SSB filters, turn the bandpass tuning until the
resulting bandpass is that narrow. Won't have skirts as steep as the
narrow filter but it can have narrower selectivity.

Gerald J.

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