[TenTec] Any Feedback? INRAD Roofing Filter Mod

Rick Denney rick at rickdenney.com
Mon Oct 22 12:10:42 EDT 2007

k1zn at cox.net writes...

> Anyone have any experience with this mod?  Tnx,  Jeff

Other responses I've read have focused on CW performance, so I'll
mention the SSB-size roofing filter.

I have the INRAD roofing filter kit on my Omni V (it was a kit for an
Omni VI that Rick Williams modified to work on the V). The mod is not
difficult, and it adds another handful of poles of filtration in front
of the first IF, cascaded with the existing filters. Mine is wired to
be engaged with the "NAR" button, and the filter itself is 2800 Hz.
With the 2800Hz roofing filter, the 2400Hz first IF filter, and the
1800Hz SSB filter in the second IF, I can reject strong signals very
close to the passband and still get good fidelity. It's just another
tool in the box for improving selectivity, and seems to be well worth
it for digging through pileups.

Rick, KR9D

Richard W. Denney, Jr. PE|Iteris, Inc.              |
Associate Vice President |107 Carpenter Dr. Ste 230 |    703.925.3819
rwd at iteris.com           |Sterling, VA 20164        |Fax 703.471.1757

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