[TenTec] TenTec 963 Power Supply

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Mon Oct 22 19:19:24 EDT 2007

I use a Astron SS-30M {M is for meters} for my Omni VII.   Works just fine. 
While looking for another concern I did, however, found a small assembly 
problem inside the power supply. At the point the wire lugs were attached to 
the back side of the DC power terminals I found that nice nickel plated nuts 
and lock washers were not tight.  This produced a minor voltage drop but 
only on peak loads and was not observed on the front panel meter as it is 
before the connectors.

Additionally, I added a nice ground lug to the chassis, although the DC 
negative is connected to the chassis.  I added a 0.01 mf cap mounted using 
some internal tooth solder lugs across the DC output connectors.  This 
solved some minor issues that I have previously observed.

In re-assembly of the case, I noted that the paint on the base panel and the 
paint on the top cover did not appear to allow for good connection between 
the top cover and base.  A bit of sandpaper used around the screw holes on 
the inside of the top cover and at the screw holes on the base plate 
corrected the concerns.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Alan Sewell" <alan.n5na at gmail.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] TenTec 963 Power Supply

>I believe the 963 is the same as the Astron SS-30.  The SS-30 schematic
> can be downloaded from several places on the internet.  (
> http://bama.sbc.edu/astron.htm )
> According to the Astron website it does have overvoltage protection.
> 73,
> Alan  N5NA
> http://www.tentecwiki.org
> Martin Kratoska wrote:
>> I'm looking for schematic of the TenTec 963 Switching Power Supply. It
>> will be nice if you can direct me to download. Does it have an
>> overvoltage protection?
>> 73,
>> Martin, OK1RR
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