[TenTec] K4VUD & Titan 425

Steve Berg wa9jml at tbc.net
Fri Oct 26 18:07:01 EDT 2007

I, for one, have always had great service from Paul and the rest of the 
people at Ten Tec.  They have always been courteous, helpful and a 
pleasure to deal with.  I have also worked for a major electronics 
manufacturer as a factory tech, and a field service tech. I was promoted 
up to a design engineer elsewhere.  So, I understand that no piece of 
equipment is perfect.  Engineers do the best they can under the 
circumstances, and the factory peons generally do the best they can to 
ship out working product.  While working in field service, or in a 
national service depot, I have had to bite my tongue numerous times when 
an irate customer was berating me over a bill or for "taking too long" 
to fix their radio.  What I felt like saying was "If they know so damned 
much, why don't they fix it themselves?"  But of course, I never said 
this, but I was sure thinking it as loud as I could.  To my knowledge, 
there is not another ham radio manufacturer who stands behind their 
products as well or for as long as does Ten Tec.  I doubt that Ham Radio 
is their biggest cash cow, and after reading all of the whining that has 
been going on in this thread, I am not surprised that they do not read 
this reflector.  I am very happy with my Ten Tec products and will 
continue to buy them and support their factory service team.

Enough already.

Steve WA9JML

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