[TenTec] Orion in general, was K4VUD & Titan 425

Dennis OConnor ad4hk2004 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 28 09:59:32 EST 2007

For various reasons I wound up doing CQWW on my well modified and massaged MK-V and Omni 564, while the O2 lounged at it's leisure over on the other radio bench... Both of those radios are polished to the teeth with mods, filters, and gadgets and both have served satisfactorily in years past....  Well, I'm here to tell ya, they ain't the same... It was only about 5 minutes after zero hundred Friday night and I was already sorely missing the crunch proof front end on the big O..... <boy do we get spoiled fast>
  Then, Saturday AM I was trying to work a, water weak swishing in the noise, VK1CC on 80 meters when suddenly an 800 pound US gorilla decided to exercise his F1 all over me just 1.2 kc up....  <call withheld to protect the guilty - but you all  know it >
  There was an instantaneous 20dB crash in the SN ratio and charlie-charlie was gone baby, gone...  No matter what tricks I tried, AGC off, RF cranked down, IF shift, 1.8kc filter, etc. my 45th country / 18 th zone, on low power 80, was gone...  And of course my 100 watts was not enough horse power to annoy the gorilla into leaving...

denny / k8do
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