[TenTec] Can I use the TT 670 Keyer ...

Karl Schwab ktschwab at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 29 08:20:00 EST 2007

Gentlemen; I have a Ten-Tec 670 Keyer that appears to
be designed for only use with the Century 21
transceiver.  I tried it on my Omni "C" series
transceiver, and it immediately shut the transceiver
down!  So, it guess it will not work on this
transceiver, but I am wondering if it might work on my
Argonaut 509 transceiver?  Anyone know?  I'm afraid to
try it!  If I can't use it, I'll consider trading for
another keyer or selling this one.  Thanks for your
comments, de KO8S

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