[TenTec] SB-220 Tubes and QSK

W8BVH w8bvh at sbcglobal.net
Tue Oct 30 04:09:07 EST 2007

Hello Joe:
I'm interested in your keying idea and would like the details.
Thanks for your time.
Ralph Howes

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "N4YG" <n4yg at comcast.net>
To: "TenTec Discussion" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 11:06 PM
Subject: [TenTec] SB-220 Tubes and QSK

>I just want to thank everyone who advised me to buy the RF Parts 3-500ZG 
>tubes for my SB-220. I am very pleased with the tubes. I have about 20% 
>more output power and it is almost unbelievable how much cooler the amp 
> I also completed the QSK mod for the radio, based in large part on the 
> info on Rich Measures' web site. I am also very please with that and all 
> works well with the OMNI VI +.
> I would like to mention one thing. I believe that many of you have 
> installed the Soft Key mod in the SB-220. I have studied the schematic for 
> Soft Key extensively. I have a much simpler circuit which you can build in 
> a short time for an expenditure of only a couple of bucks. It works great. 
> I do not know if the name "Soft Key" is intended to be descriptive of the 
> mod or not, but its keying is certainly not soft, in fact, why would one 
> want to key the amplifier T-R relay softly. Anyone who wishes to know how 
> to build and install my circuit can obtain details by sending me an email.
> Joe
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