[TenTec] Omni VI and non TT Amp

Jim Brown K9YC k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Wed Oct 31 12:39:48 EST 2007

On Wed, 31 Oct 2007 09:40:21 -0600, Dr. Gerald N. Johnson wrote:

>Running a transmitter without ALC is like running a receiver without

Quoting from the manual for the Ten Tec Titan 425:

"Today, most solid state transceivers provide no connection for ALC input 
and it is entirely unnecessary to make any external ALC connection to 
these rigs. The ALC input jack is used primarily with tube-type 
transmitters/transceivers having a negative going ALC system."

The Ten Tec Hercules II has NO connection for ALC at all. 

Indeed, I've seen comments from "authorities" saying that using ALC is 
more likely to INCREASE splatter, because it doesn't kick in until the amp 
is overdriven. 

I've never used ALC with my Titans, and the serious contesters near me 
tell my signal is clean. I've use an Omni V, TS-850, and FT-1000MP with 
them. I DID get complaints when I drove a Titan with a K2/100, because 
that transceiver has more phase noise on transmit. My neighbors don't 
notice it at 100 watts, but they do when it's amplified 12 dB. I'm told 
the new K3 is MUCH better in that regard. 


Jim Brown K9YC

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