[TenTec] ten tec radios and amps

RaySoifer at cs.com RaySoifer at cs.com
Mon Sep 3 14:10:43 EDT 2007

In a message dated 9/3/2007 6:47:04 PM GMT Standard Time, 
foxbat426 at hotmail.com writes: 
> ust wondering if ten tec radios can be used with any type linear amplifier 
> solid state or tube? unlike the japanese radios, ten tec seems to do things 
> a little different - so i was just wondering about this. thank-you again for 
> all the great expert advise - i would be lost if it wasn't for this great 
> site.
Well, it depends on the specific radio and amp.  As I mentioned yesterday, 
the Argo V has no provision for amp control, so unless you're interested in 
making mods (count me out of that), you'll need an amp like the HL-100Bdx that 
uses RF switching. 
I also have an Orion II, and it is interfaced to two amps: a Collins 30L-1 
and an Ameritron AL-811.  The AL-811 interface requires only a relay-control 
line, but the switching voltage on the 30L-1 is too high for the Orion so I use 
an Ameritron ARB-704 interface box between the two.  Both amps work great with 
the Orion II.

I have not attempted to make either amp do QSK, since that is not high on my 
currennot t list of priorities.  But as I recall, your interest is mostly SSB 
so it probably isn't high on your list either.

I'm sure others will have more to contribute.

GL & 73,

Ray W2RS   

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