[TenTec] ten tec radios and amps

George Bennett g.m.bennett at charter.net
Mon Sep 3 14:39:09 EDT 2007

Hi John

With both the Orion and Orion II I have used an Alpha 87A, an Acom 1000 and 
a Drake L7.  All work well.

If you have an old amp you could always put an amp keyer between the 
transceiver and the amp. (I have used one made by Sunlight Energy Systems 
when using a Collins 30L1 and 30S-1.)


George Bennett K1GMB
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "john ferro" <foxbat426 at hotmail.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2007 1:46 PM
Subject: [TenTec] ten tec radios and amps

> just wondering if ten tec radios can be used with any type linear 
> amplifier
> solid state or tube? unlike the japanese radios, ten tec seems to do 
> things
> a little different - so i was just wondering about this. thank-you again 
> for
> all the great expert advise - i would be lost if it wasn't for this great
> site.
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