[TenTec] Ten Tec Net Frequencies & Times?

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Mon Sep 10 00:59:14 EDT 2007

Hi Bill,

What you are recommending is exactly what those of us who have commented 
on this topic are wishing for.

List all net schedules, contest operating periods, W1AW transmission 
times and anything else that is scheduled to occur on the HF bands ( and 
would therefore be listened to or participated in by people in many time 
zones ) in Zulu time, UTC or GMT. Then we can all easily figure out what 
the scheduled time is for us, since as radio operators we all know our 
local time to UTC difference.

Once upon a time the W1AW schedules were listed in QST that way, and as 
Novices most of us learned about GMT versus local time so that we could 
participate as members of the international radio community. For a few 
years now QST has abandoned the standard and reasonable way to list W1AW 
schedules, in favor of listing times for only four time zones in the 
western hemisphere. They have told me there is not enough room to list 
it in UTC. That is absurd, because listing it ONLY in UTC would better 
serve ALL amateurs and would take up less space than what they presently 
are doing.

> Just decide on what Z time it will be and let the other guy figure it out.  They know if they are on DST or not.  If they can't come up with the right time, they miss the net.  Big Deal. Not worth spinning your wheels over, IMHO.

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