[TenTec] ten tec 1140 and airpak breaker

John Graves jh.graves at verizon.net
Sat Sep 22 14:12:49 EDT 2007

What is the proper breaker for the Argosy?  I have never had a problem 
but I use it most of the time on low power.

John  / WA1JG

OTAKEBI at aol.com wrote:
> Airpax breaker for Paragon and OMNI V and VI is
> Part # T11-1-20.OA-01-10A-V
> This is the "fast" breaker.
> It is the same as the 1140 which is no longer made.
> Make sure you get the fast and not the instant or slow type.
> Make sure that after the T11-  you see a number 1.
> 0 after T11- is for instant and 3 is for slow.
> Both of those would be useless.
> The instant would break all the time and the slow would not react until  well 
> past 22 amps.
> Dan/N4VET 
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