[TenTec] ten tecs have 100 watts out on carrier??

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at storm.weather.net
Sun Sep 30 20:55:02 EDT 2007

On Sun, 2007-09-30 at 17:37 -0400, wa3fiy at radioadv.com wrote:
> Jerry did answer the question very well but let's try another approach.
> Using a 100 watt max power rig as our base, no SWR foldback, no circuit breaker tripping, 
> the rig can produce a max of 100 watts to a 50 load.  That is 70.7 volts of RF to the 50 ohms.  
> That's (70.7 X 70.7) / 50 or 500/50 or 100 watts.   On CW that's fine but what about AM?  On 
> AM we must reduce the carrier to 1/2 voltage or 35.35 volts.  Using P=E(squared) divided by 
> R, that is 35.35 X35.35 = 1,250.  1,250 divided by 50 ohms = 25 watts.  So the carrier power 
> is as Jerry stated, 25% of the max power available.  On AM modulation, the carrier voltage 
> swings from the 35.35 volts with no modulation to 0 to 70.7 volts under full modulation.  
> Hence, the instantaneous power varies from 0 watts to 100 watts under modulation.  I have 
> noted some of the import rigs rate AM carrier at 40 watts out.  Don't know how they do that 
> without creating clipping under full modulation.  I guess maybe they do not allow 100% 
> modulation.  Anyone know for sure?
> 73,
> -Lee-
Probably they clip and splatter or ALC backs off the transmitter gain
backing off carrier and audio together. Or they run undermodulated like
a CB.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

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