[TenTec] Recent Discussion of Amplifiers

Rick Denney rick at rickdenney.com
Wed Apr 2 01:23:11 EDT 2008

Donald L. Schliesser writes...

> I now know why I subscribe to this reflector - for all the knowledge
> I gain !  You guys are thoughtful, have tremendous incite, and it is
> a pleasure to read your comments.   I appreciate that an old guy
> like me can still learn something every day !

I've built my station out of old stuff, and those who sold it to me
thought they were getting just as good a deal as I did buying it. My
standard of "good deal" is not diminished when I have to work on it to
get it up to snuff.

By that standard, this Ameritron amp I bought on ebay has
provided...multiple...opportunities for learning. Had I bought a new
amp that worked perfectly, I might have not spent much more, but I
would have had a lot less fun.

Thanks to all for the responses.

Rick, KR9D

Richard W. Denney, Jr. PE|Iteris, Inc.
Associate Vice President |107 Carpenter Dr. Ste 230 |    703.925.3819
rwd at iteris.com           |Sterling, VA 20164        |Fax 703.471.1757

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