[TenTec] LEGAL LIMIT PLUS AMP ALPHA 77D..Contesting...

Ken Scheper kenshep at one.net
Tue Apr 8 22:14:39 EDT 2008

I'll not go into the total rebuttal that K8MN stated, but only voice that in 
placing in the top ten on the 10 meter contest..we did surgical, rather than 
altogether blind calls.  We tried to place our CQ's close to "bunches". 
First, the problem is...if they don't know you're there, they won't work 
you.  Second, if they can't hear you....well, you get the idea.


> Well said!
> Marsh, KA5M
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
> On Behalf Of Dave Heil
> Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 7:24 PM
> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] LEGAL LIMIT PLUS AMP ALPHA 77D
> Bob McGraw - K4TAX wrote:
>> First let me make it clear that I am not one that participates in nor
> enjoys
>> contests of any kind.  Now with that said, I'll proceed to admonish the
>> contest bunch as a whole.
> It is not my intent to be insulting to you, Bob, but what places you in
> a position to admonish contest ops?
>> And as Ken said, their operating practice is
>> "probably not a good operating practice".  Oh boy, is that ever true.
> I would agree that there are some bad apples.  I believe that in
> general, contest ops are the very best ops and have the very best
> stations.  I'm dismissing your premise.
>> In reading various responses from those that are apparently contesters, I
>> find one thing that seems to be common thread.  They expect to be able to
>> transmit 100% of the time.
> How would it be possible to be in a contest where points are scored by
> contacting other stations and to transmit 100% of the time?
>> Now that says they never or rarely listen.
> Again, I dismiss your premise.  What you state is impossible.
>> Should not ones transmit time about equal the receive time?  Seems
>> reasonable to me.  Otherwise a condition producing something like 50% 
>> duty
>> cycle?
> 50% transmit time and 50% receive time in either SSB or CW does not
> equate to 50% duty cycle.
>> Oh we've gotten into the automatic CQ systems that are far from
>> productive.
> I'll assume that you mean digital voice keyers.  Those have now been
> around for a couple of decades.  Before that, many had tape systems.
> Memory keyers have been around for over three decades.  We've had PC's
> triggering both devices for a long time.
> I'm going to dismiss your premise of those not being productive as being
> false.  Those things can be very productive.
>> Basically turning operators into a bunch of "alligators"
>> otherwise known as large mouth, small brains.
> There you've provided yet another false premise and some insults as
> well.  Someone who is called an alligator would be someone who cannot
> hear but who has a powerful signal.  Good contesters and winning
> contesters hear very, very well.  You can't win a contest by not being
> able to hear those who are calling you.  The brains of contesters are
> likely the same sized brains as those who enjoy ragchewing, SSTV,
> traffic handling and other things in amateur radio.  Most often,
> contesters do other things when they aren't in a contest.
>> This basically defines why
>> the bands are full of QRM and crap during contests.
> I might consider two fellows discussing non-functional body parts as
> being crap.  If the discussion is going on during a contest, I simply
> tune on by.
>> Everyone wants to call
>> all the time and listen a lesser amount of time.
> That's a false premise and it cannot work in contesting.  Someone
> operating with an amp and good antennas will probably run stations more
> than he does search and pounce.  A fellow with no amp or with lesser
> antennas may search and pounce much more than he attempts runs.
>> I believe it is skill and
>> not power that wins contests.
> You have part of it right.  It is skill.  It is power, depending upon
> your operating class.  It is high antennas, gain antennas, receiving
> antennas, receiving preamps.  It can be hard line instead of RG-213.  It
> can be ten or twenty or forty feet more of tower.  It can be more than
> one tower.  It is operator will and determination.  It is pushing one's
> self to the limits.
>> I've had three Titans in the shop for various reasons and repairs.  Most
>> faults have been found to exist due to mis-use or operation by the owner
>> which turned out to be failure to properly connect and operate for QSK.
> One
>> due to lightning damage.
> Were all of the owners contesters?
>> I don't find them to be "light weight" in terms of
>> performance or duty cycle for amateur radio service.  A 50% duty cycle, 
>> 10
>> min on and 10 min off, for 100% duty cycle modes such as RTTY.
> It is not recommended to run a Titan at 1500w output during RTTY
> operation.  I typically run mine at about 700-750 watts out in that type
> operation.
>> Of course if you believe that one needs a 100% duty cycle, legal limit
> amp,
>> then pay the price.
> Those who need one and who can afford one, likely will do so.  It makes
> sense in a way for a contester to have an amp which is capable of much
> higher duty/service to obtain such.  If that amp is run at under its
> capabilities, it will likely have a better chance of having no problems
> during a contest.
>> And too if one should add 3 dB of gain to the antenna
>> then one benefits both on transmit and receive.
> Doing one does not preclude the other.  Add the amp; add the antenna and
> place it higher. Use low loss feedline.
> Finally don't feel it necessary to belittle or to insult those radio
> amateurs whose idea of fun doesn't mesh with your own.
> Dave Heil K8MN
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