[TenTec] amp

george fritkin georgefritkin at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 11 20:16:11 EDT 2008

I have an orion 2 driving an Ameritron ALS-600.  It is
a good combination,  Get a LDG 1000 auto tuner and you
have a wonderful quick band change set up

George, W6GF

--- John <brazos at rochester.rr.com> wrote:

> I am thinking of buying a older (less expensive )
> amplifier for my Orion II 
> .  My question is this are there any amps that I
> should stay away from 
> because of incompatability ?  I am not interested in
> a qsk amp as my cw is 
> only about 20 wpm and I hardly ever use it .  how
> about a solid state amp of 
> around 600 watts ?  thanks in advance for your
> advice 
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