[TenTec] Ten Tec 238A settings?

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at storm.weather.net
Sun Apr 13 14:30:36 EDT 2008

On Fri, 2008-04-11 at 21:43 -0500, Bob McGraw - K4TAX wrote:
> I've not been successful in getting the 238 tuner to work on 6 meters. 
> Maybe just my antenna combinations but can't get a 1:1 match with a 50 ohm 
> load on the output either.  So I figure the stray inductance and capacitance 
> inside is just too much.  Not surprised however.
> 73
> Bob, K4TAX
A tuner with parts big enough to work 80 meters has too much minimum C
and minimum L for tuning at 6m. Its tough having tuning range on 10m.
When a 100 watt tuner like I described for 6m needs $25 in parts (if all
bought new), its hard to tussle with an all band tuner that doesn't work

73, Jerry, K0CQ

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