[TenTec] Ten Tec 238A settings?

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Tue Apr 15 10:02:56 EDT 2008

That's the ham spirit!  Good going Denton.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Denton" <denton at oregontrail.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 12:15 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Ten Tec 238A settings?

> For fellow hams that are thinking of making spark plug so called lightning
> protectors...or static discharge units...I just homebrewed a set for my
> 600ohm feeders...cost of the small engine plugs were under 3 bucks for a
> pair.
> In my basement, I dug up a pair of auto battery terminal clamps which fit
> the barrel of the plugs nicely. Even found a pair of large nuts to screw 
> on
> the bottom of the plugs for some protection.
> I also found a pair of short barrel connectors..the type that are normally
> used for joining condenser and rotary ceramic switch shafts 
> together...they
> fit the top of the plugs nicely. Will install it on the feeders in the am.

> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> For the "do it yourselfer" the spark plug approach works for balanced
>> feedlines and can be done for under $10.  If you wish to buy ready to
>> install, these are available from The Wireman for $24.95.
>> http://thewireman.com/ground.html#878
>> 73
>> Bob, K4TAX

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