[TenTec] HL-100BDX amp repair

RaySoifer at cs.com RaySoifer at cs.com
Wed Apr 16 12:11:12 EDT 2008

In a message dated 4/16/2008 3:38:19 PM GMT Standard Time, k4wj at bellsouth.net 
> I would LOVE to know how much the total shipping bill was? And, who 
> was the shipper?

Shipping from Texas to Saitama, via UPS air, was about $120.  USPS would have 
been cheaper, about $70, but I called the difference "peace of mind."  Return 
shipping via Japanese EMS was JPY 6100 billed to my credit card, about $60.

As I said, not cheap!

73 Ray W2RS   

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