[TenTec] Ten-Tec Transceiver Survey

Kc9cdt at aol.com Kc9cdt at aol.com
Wed Apr 16 15:06:16 EDT 2008

Paying for firmware updates... NO WAY, unless they are for optional new 
A far as fixing the many remaining bugs/issues I should not have to pay for 
it twice.

HW band scope ... sure I'll pay for it if I want it. Or other enhancements 
that are beyond the original radio specs.
Even HW upgrades to increase performance or add a new feature.. beyond the 
original radio specs.  should be billable,

I understand they are a small Co. and have priorities, the Omni VII is out 
and doing well... & RX400,  so it's time to get Orion and Orion II where they 
need to be.. no charge. Full effort should be put into it. We have been very 
patient. Don't get me wrong I love the OII , but we all know there is issue 
needing addressed.

Ten-Tec is a superb company and I respect and support them fully.
That's why I bought a Orion then an Orion II.

Anyway... that's my opinion.

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