[TenTec] Ten-Tec Transceiver Survey

Merle Bone merlebone at charter.net
Wed Apr 16 16:48:41 EDT 2008

I think the issue of "paying for upgrades" is an interesting one. I would be 
happy to pay for firmware upgrades, either on an individual basis - like it 
/ buy it - or on an annual subscription basis. I tried to convince someone 
at Ten-Tec, during Dayton last year, to offer firmware upgrades for a fee. 
The response was - NO WAY! People don't expect to pay for that! Well, ask 
the owners of the Pegasus and the Jupiter and the Orion and the Orion II if 
they would have paid to get a firmware upgrade in the past year - none got 
upgrades since last May. I don't think the choice is between getting good 
periodic frimware upgrades for a fee or getting good periodic firmware 
upgrades for free :-)

Of course there could be "firmware people availability issues," but in the 
long term, that is just a cost issue. After the warranty period, I pay for 
maintenance on my car, my house, my stove, my dishwasher, my clothes washer 
and dryer etc. etc. So what causes people to believe there is a "free 
lifetime firmware upgrade policy" that goes with a ham radio? Clinging to 
this belief will lead to "suboptimum" outcomes with firmware based radios in 
the future. Whether its a "bug" or a "feature change issue" is in the eye of 
the beholder.  As Grant use to say on this reflector - its a bug if it 
operates differently then someone thinks it should (He might have said that 
about me :-).

If manufacturers like Ten-Tec continue to hold this "firmware - for free - 
forever" view, they just won't realize the potential capabilities of the 
radio because there won't be funding to pay for new "firmware 
engineering/building." And, neither will their customers.
73, Merle - W0EWM 

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