[TenTec] Ten-Tec Transceiver Survey

Rick Williams ve7asr at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 16 19:25:50 EDT 2008

Joe I could not have said it better.  I have announced
here and directly to Ten-Tec that, in my opinion, the
Orion firmware has some significant problems. 
Unfortunately I DON'T have the luxury of owning a K3

The survey suggests that T-T may have seen some issues
as far as firmware development is concerned.  To even
ask questions on "open source" or "would you pay for
firmware" may show promise for future transceivers and
corresponding firmware updates.   

That said, the current Orion platform needs some work
and it wasn't sold with any thought of buying a
subscription to the firmware updates.  However, with a
used Orion would I be willing to purchase updates to
the firmware?  At this point YES (but then I'd do
almost anything to see it improved).  I've said it
before and I'll say it again - "the Orion firmware is
currently restricting the Orion from reaching its full

Some of the survey's hardware questions T-T might want
to look at closely are the improved 2nd receiver for
the Orion and an external panadaptor?  I would be
interested in either of these. 

So the survey, hopefully, will provide T-T with some
user feelings on direction for both current and future
amateur products.

Only time will tell.



Subject: 	Re: [TenTec] Ten-Tec Transceiver Survey
From: 	"Joe W2KJ" 
Date: 	Wed, 16 Apr 2008 17:45:52 -0400

I have an Orion that I really enjoy using....it was
the best radio I had 
ever owned until I got my Elecraft K3.

There have been a bunch of firmware and DSP updates
for the K3...sometimes 
only a week apart that have significantly improved the
performance of the 
radio....and there will be more firmware improvements
because that's how 
Elecraft does business.

Unfortunately, Ten Tec never got the firmware right
for the Orion...and the 
code for the DSP isn't a finished product
either....but it is still a great 
radio...just not at the level it should be.

We shouldn't have to pay for firmware upgrades since
the basic firmware 
necessary to have a glitch free radio was never

I have owned Ten Tec products for the past 30 years
and have always enjoyed 
using them......but my confidence in Ten Tec would be
shaken if they didn't 
get the Orion/OrionII issues resolved before
introducing yet another radio.

                            73, Joe W2KJ 

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