[TenTec] Ten-Tec Transceiver Survey

Rick Williams ve7asr at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 16 20:47:00 EDT 2008

Fair question Bernie.  Yes I am using an Orion (565). 
I have the luxury to be able to operate BOTH Version 2
and Version 1 firmware.

Version 2 has the benefit of a sharper display and a
functioning sweep (without lockup).

On the other had Version 1 has (in my opinion) a
superior set of noise reduction algorithms and a notch
system that operates in a different portion of the
AGC.  (In Version 2 if you are listening to an S-2
signal and an S-9 carrier is dropped on it the notch
removes the carrier.  The meter still shows S-9 and
the AGC can pump accordingly.  In Version 1 the
S-meter drops to S-2 and the AGC behaves.  The notch
and auto-notch in most 'high-end' rigs behave like
Version 1.)

These 2 functions, again in my opinion, make the
version 1 firmware a better choice for my operating

It is my understanding that when using Version 2
firmware the Orion 565 and 566 are very similar.


Subject: 	Re: [TenTec] Ten-Tec Transceiver Survey

Date: 	Wed, 16 Apr 2008 19:49:55 EDT

Please believe that I am truly not trying to be
argumentative here.
But I truly wonder what you mean.  What "full
potential" is the  Orion II not 
reaching?  Are there some specific performance
parameters that  you know 
could somehow be better improved with firmware
I operate about half CW and half SSB (with a
smattering of digital modes  
thrown in).  And aside from a too-generous s-meter, I
don't know what I  need 
help my Orion II somehow achieve more of its
Am I missing something here?
(And now that I've written all this, I realize you may
be talking about the  
Orion (as opposed to the Orion II that I have...).  If
so, my apologies,  
because I know nothing about how an Orion performs.)
Thanks and 73,
Bernie K5XS

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