[TenTec] Ten-Tec Transceiver Survey

Martin Ewing AA6E aa6e at ewing.homedns.org
Wed Apr 16 21:00:25 EDT 2008

Put me down as one Orion owner who would pay a reasonable amount for a 
maintenance contract that would cover hardware repairs and/or firmware 

As someone involved in software development, I may have a different 
slant on how software projects work.  Software will never be "finished", 
and it always has bugs.  There is always room for improvement. I want 
somebody working on polishing and perfecting the firmware for a good 
long time!  As soon as you stop support, bit rot sets in.  (Put another 
way, your resale value drops.)

The ideal approach, as shown by Flex Radio and some others is to work 
with the user community for  software development and support.  I 
clicked the "open source" box on the Survey, and I hope many others will 
do so as well.  There is often more energy and talent in the user 
community for volunteer software work than there is in a small company 
that has to meet a payroll.

73 Martin AA6E

Martin Ewing, AA6E
aa6e at ewing.homedns.org

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