[TenTec] Ten-Tec Transceiver Survey

Kevin Anderson k9iua at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 17 09:08:58 EDT 2008

I agree with the few recent posts regarding a usable rig for
$500 or less.  I mean the equivalent to a Elecraft K2 or Ten-Tec
Argonaut V, CW and SSB, 80-10 meters, 5-10 watts, for $500 or
less.  And I don't mean a kit.  And I don't mean used or single
band either.

A agree that one can certainly do that in buying used equipment,
and Ten-Tec has made some mighty fine equipment through the
years that is still worth buying.  (I personally don't like the
PTO rigs that require the periodic rebuild, and I got rid of my
older T-T PTO rigs for that reason.)  

I like my two Scouts (my current two only radios, one for mobile
and one for at home), although band module switching is a royal
pain. A multi-band, non-module equivalent to the Scout, simple
to use and rock solid, would be what I'm after.  (I can live
without the DSP in the Argo V if putting a Jones filter back in
would give me the multi-band radio I am after at the cost I can

But I also can accept that Ten-Tec can't afford to make
something that low cost - the small profit margin, if there is
any, doesn't make it worth it to them.  I've personally resigned
myself to always being forced to buy used, as the $500 upper
limit in our household budget is also non-voidable.  (The $1,000
new radio, let alone the $3,000 radio, is only and will forever
remain only in my night time dreams.)

Kevin, K9IUA

Kevin Anderson, Dubuque IA USA, K9IUA
k9iua (at) yahoo (dot) com

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