[TenTec] cheap CW rig

RaySoifer at cs.com RaySoifer at cs.com
Thu Apr 17 16:01:45 EDT 2008

In a message dated 4/17/2008 7:30:37 PM GMT Standard Time, gsm at mendelson.com 
> Radio Shack has CB's from $60. Walmart from $35. If they can produce and
> sell a radio for that price, certainly someone can produce a 20m/15m/10m
> USB only rig for under $200?

Probably so, but a low-powered rig is not going to be effective on SSB 
without a good antenna, which many of these people will find difficult to manage.  
Here in Arizona we're fortunate to have quite a few new hams pass their tests, 
but then most of them quickly become frustrated because they live in CC&R 
subdivisions and a stealth dipole simply doesn't get out very well.  So, they stay 
on 2m FM or just give up.  I try to steer them to CW and digital modes, where 
their limited antennas can do better. 

73 Ray W2RS   

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