[TenTec] cheap CW rig

RaySoifer at cs.com RaySoifer at cs.com
Thu Apr 17 17:58:15 EDT 2008

In a message dated 4/17/2008 8:33:39 PM GMT Standard Time, gsm at mendelson.com 
> assume that in the U.S. where there are a lot more hams, it would mean
> that early mornings and late afternoons would be good for cross continental
> communication and at other times for local. Unlike here, there is a 
> large enough ham population to keep it busy.
> 5 watts SSB for a true QRP rig, or 25 watts if you wanted to use the
> same finals as in a 5 watt AM CB, would do. You won't set any records,
> but communication would be possible and if you spent enough time to
> learn some operating skills, and some patience you could work all
> 48 continental states and possibly get all 50. 

That's just the problem, Geoff.  There are so many hams on 20 SSB in the US 
that someone with 5 watts would be lucky to work anyone unless he had a good 
antenna.  In a few years, when 10 meters opens up, that will change.
73 Ray W2RS


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