[TenTec] Ten Tec Transceiver Survey

wo8l at aol.com wo8l at aol.com
Thu Apr 17 09:34:41 EDT 2008

I've already communicated extensively with Ten Tec via Scott about my deep concern for a feature on a new rig.? (O.K.? So it was only two e-mails.)

In a nutshell, I am sick and tired of needing to run upstairs from the shack?to get a cup of coffee or a beer.? Ten Tec knows very well that they should do something with the temperatures which come off the heat sinks of their rigs.? Why not a coffee maker?

Alternatively, how about an ammonia based device like a refrigerator in an RV used in conjunction with the heat sink to cool a keg of beer?

Must I forever buy after market items such as coffee makers and beer keg coolers from companies like MFJ?

It's the environmentally responsible thing to do.? Use that heat for something.

In the meantime, I am enjoying hams on the reflector do what they do best...nitpick. Oops, I mean offer valuable, practical solutions to enhance the development of technologies which add to our operating efficiency even though we already have rigs which do unbelievable things compared to 40 years ago.

Anybody want to sell their OMNI VII?? I've got $500 in cash hidden from the XYL and I could probably send some of her cats along in the bargain.? She'd never miss them.? I'm gonna find the homeless shelter lonely, though.

? WO8L

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