[TenTec] Omni 546C CW filter

Marinus Loewensteijn mjloewensteijn at hotmail.com
Sun Apr 27 14:56:37 EDT 2008

Many thanks to all who responded to my enquiry. Inrad seems to have dropped their prices since the #753 (which I think is the 400 Hz filter) is $ 115.- versus the $ 109.- of TenTec. 
Will shoot an enquiry off to Inrad to make sure this is the correct one and go from there. A lot will depend on how much the handling and shipping charges will be.
Perhaps someone on the list has either a good Inrad 753 (400 Hz) or TenTec 217 / 2017 (500 hz) filter they might want to part with?
73, Marinus ZL2ML.
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