[TenTec] New hams (doesn't matter what generation)

Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at mendelson.com
Wed Apr 30 05:37:42 EDT 2008

On Tue, Apr 29, 2008 at 09:15:57PM -1000, Ken Brown wrote:
> it may as well have the 2.8 kHz for SSB and CW both. Those who have the 
> initiative to try CW will be able to make plenty of QSOs with a 2.8 kHz 
> filter.

Actually they can't. I am a special case, I can't copy cw with a second
signal, whether it's cw, voice or music as in the opening of the 
the TV show Jericho. I can however, copy 35wpm from signals most
people can't even hear, burried in the noise.

Most of the people I know can't seperate musical notes, sounds or 
cw signals. That's why they went into computers. 

> I'm saying you don't have to add a filter to give the rig CW capability. 
> You were claiming that the absolute necessity of a narrow filter for a 
> new ham to operate CW, along with other complexities of CW transmitting 
> would make the rig too expensive, and it should therefore not have CW 
> capability.

Sort of. I'm not saying that it should not be able to have CW capability
added, in fact, I would insist on it if I were designing it. What I am
saying is that it should not have it included to both lower the price,
even if it were a few dollars retail, and to add the perception that
it's not being paid for when it is not wanted.

> Not many VHF/UHF rigs have been sold with SSB capability either, except 
> those that also had HF capability. Come to think of it, SSB being so 
> difficult for a beginner to tune, why not just go FM on the HF bands to 
> make it even more effortless for these lazy new generation hams to use 
> HF? We could save a few bucks using a FM discriminator and no BFO. Much 
> simpler transmit circuitry with FM too. Divide the HF bands up into 
> channels, as you suggested earlier.

If you have never worked HF FM, IMHO you are missing a treat. When the
band is open, you can talk to people hundreds if not thousands of miles
away, with no noise and clear audio. It's also an amazing way of introducing
HF to hams whose only radio is a 2m HT. 

> Got a copy good buddy? I can turn on my foot warmer, and it doesn't  
> even need to be leenyur, cuz we're ratchet jawin' in FM. Ten Four?

That's just being silly :-)

Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel gsm at mendelson.com  N3OWJ/4X1GM

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