[TenTec] pilot light bulbs

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Mon Aug 4 17:31:25 EDT 2008

Hi Jim,

Since Marinus' first post referred to a Ten-Tec 228 tuner, you are 
correct about the 12 to 14 volt supply. Marinus also mentioned the bulbs 
in his Omni 546-C, and asked whether they are 6 volt lamps. I am not 
familiar enough with the 546 to speak on the pilot lamps it uses. I do 
have a Omni VI 563, and a manual for it.

The Omni VI 563 uses pulse width modulation to control a regulator 
circuit that determines the meter lamp brightness. The manual says that 
the lamp voltage varies from about 2.7 to 5.7 volts. I have not found a 
part number in the Ten-Tec manual for the bulbs, though I suspect they 
are number 47 bulbs, commonly used in tube radios with a 6.3 volt 
filament supply. With only 5.7 volts maximum supplied to a 6.3 volt (I 
am guessing) bulb, you should already be getting extended life from the 

I like to buy bulbs from Mouser. They have a good selection of Chicago 
Miniature lamps, and you get a price break at ten units. Interesting to 
compare the 47 bulb with the 755. They have identical voltage and 
current ratings, yet the 755 produces less light (0.330 M.S.C.P. versus 
0.500 M.S.C.P. I'm not sure what M.S.C.P. is. Perhaps mean spectral 
candle power?) and lasts almost seven times as long. It also costs 
almost twice as much.

When running incandescent lamps at various voltages, the light they 
produce does not merely change intensity. The spectral distribution of 
the light also changes. Running at a reduced voltage lowers the 
temperature, and shifts the emission towards the longer wavelength, 
redder end of the visual spectrum. When television studios get more 
sensitive CCD cameras, requiring less light, they cannot just dim the 
existing lights. They have to get new lamps to maintain the same color 
temperature at a lower light level.

Ken N6KB
>> Unless the stock bulbs are 6.3 volt lamps
> The lights are wired in parallel and run on whatever power supply is 
> plugged into the RCA connector on the back. For most of us, that's 
> 12-14 volts. 

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