[TenTec] Jupiter/Argonaut V/stock status

ab9go at earthlink.net ab9go at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 14 14:54:09 EDT 2008

Thank you for setting up an official information web page so quickly.  Now we do not have to rely on 2nd hand information or the rumor mill.  

Randy AB9GO.  

-----Original Message-----
>From: Ten-Tec Amateur Radio Sales <sales at tentec.com>
>Sent: Aug 14, 2008 10:32 AM
>To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
>Subject: [TenTec] Jupiter/Argonaut V/stock status
>Good morning --
>I've created a stock status page for current updates on transceiver 
>firmware, products that are under development, etc.  
>The page is now on our website at radio.tentec.com/status/
>The Jupiter firmware release for the new version of the transceiver that 
>we've been saying is imminent since Dayton is due out in the next 
>several days.  I have been writing the manual update with the operating 
>instructions over the last couple of weeks in between helping with the 
>beta testing of the new firmware.
>The Argonaut V is now discontinued.  There are a just a few new and demo 
>units left in stock.  No further production is planned; we have no 
>specific plans for a replacement model at this time.
>As always, feel free to contact me if I can provide information on 
>status on our current products or anything else regarding Ten-Tec.  
>Email via sales at tentec.com or via the general office (865) 453-7172 or 
>sales line (800) 833-7373 during usual business hours.
>I understand the frustration with the delay in releasing updates about 
>our products and that there has been a lot of conflicting information 
>about what the status of these projects are.  I hope the status page 
>will allow anyone interested in where we are on firmware or future 
>announced products to find out instantly.
>The RX-400 military receiver that has taken up virtually all of the 
>engineering effort over the past 14 months is now finished and 
>shipping.  We have substantial interest in this new product including 
>non-movable delivery deadlines.   Now that we are only providing support 
>for the RX-400 in production, we will have engineering resources 
>available to work on both current and future products for Amateur Radio.
>We will be attending hamfests at Huntsville, AL and Boxboro, MA the next 
>two weekends.  Please come say hello.
>Scott Robbins, W4PA
>Amateur Radio Product Manager, Ten-Tec, Inc.
>TenTec mailing list
>TenTec at contesting.com

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