[TenTec] Status of New Display Board for OMNI VII

Carl J. Denbow n8vz at qth.com
Mon Aug 18 21:37:34 EDT 2008


The engineer I talked with was not there on Friday but came in on 
Saturday.  He was the guy who actually worked on the board, so he was on 
top of the issue, at least from an engineering standpoint.  If the delay 
at this stage is just another month or two more, that's understandable, 
but if we are talking about the board not being available until 2009, 
then I have a real problem with credibility and/or efficiency at TT.  My 
friend will have much more to say, as he's being waiting for this board 
going on three years now.  My friend, by the way, is himself an 
electrical engineer so he has a good idea of the complexity of the 
project and how long it should reasonably take.



Duane Calvin wrote:
> Carl,
> 	Regarding the discussion you had with the engineer at Dayton, I also
> had a similar chat, except it was the firmware that was ready for release,
> and the hardware sweep card still had a couple of (or few, I don't recall
> the exact word) months left before release.  However, anyone who talks with
> development engineers should always bear in mind that these are the most
> optimistic people in the world when it comes to schedules.  They're always
> surprised when things don't work the first (or second, or third) time they
> try them out.  Trust me, I work in development test and deal with DE's all
> the time.  Now, that doesn't mean that TT shouldn't manage their message at
> Dayton and at other shows, but I suspect they still like to enjoy the close
> relationship with many of us hams.  With Elecraft raising the bar on how to
> work with customers, I think we'll see TT grow to meet the expectations we
> have for them.  At least I hope we will.  Scott's new web page is a good
> start.
> 	Duane
> Duane Calvin, AC5AA
> Austin, Texas
> www.ac5aa.com  
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
> On Behalf Of Carl J. Denbow
> Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 8:45 PM
> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Status of New Display Board for OMNI VII
> Well, Mike, this is most distressing.  My friend is going to be 
> furious.  I'm a little upset myself, because I was told by the engineer 
> responsible for the board that the one he had at Dayton was final test 
> version, and it was going into production shortly after the Hamvention.  
> He apologized for the delay and said that it was a more complicated 
> project than he'd at first thought but that it was now finally ready to 
> be produced.  I asked him to hold the board up so that I could take a 
> picture of it.  I showed this photo to my friend as proof that the board 
> was on its way and that any further delay would be a short one measured 
> in months not years.   In  fact, I remember that I actually placed a 
> mobile phone call to my friend to give him a live, first-hand report 
> from the Dayton Hamvention with the good news.  In addition to his Orion 
> II he owns several other pieces of Ten-Tec gear.  The way he was talking 
> he will sell all of it and swear never to buy a piece of TT gear again 
> if my report from Dayton turns out to have been false.  IMHO, this is 
> not a good way to run a business.  Personally, I'm not planning on 
> selling my OMNI VII over this issue, but it does leave a bad taste in my 
> mouth.
> 73,
> Carl
> N8VZ
> Mike Christiansen wrote:
>> Carl, that is a brand new webpage the Tentec just put up last week, so  
>> the information IMO is current.  This may not be the news your friend  
>> was hoping for
>> Mike, N4GW
>> On Aug 17, 2008, at 6:40 PM, Carl J. Denbow wrote:
>>> Thanks, Mike. If this is not an old, not-updated post, I was lied to  
>>> at
>>> Dayton.  I was shown a prototype board and was told it was ready for
>>> production.  In fact, I was told that the week after Dayton they would
>>> be having a production meeting and that the board would be ready for
>>> general sales within three months or so.  A friend of mine who  
>>> bought an
>>> ORION II about three years ago was told at that time that the board
>>> would be ready "in a few months."  He's ready to ditch his Ten-Ten
>>> equipment he is so mad about this issue.  When I gave him the
>>> information from Dayton, including my live sitting of the prototype
>>> board, he calmed down a little and said he'd give Ten-Tec a few more
>>> months.  In short, I hope what I was told at Dayton is more accurate
>>> than this link.  Perhaps, at this juncture Ten-Tec's recent "sins" are
>>> no more than not updating a web page! :-)
>>> Mike Christiansen wrote:
>>>> Check this link at the Tentec site.  it should answer your questions
>>>> http://radio.tentec.com/status/
>>>> On Aug 17, 2008, at 4:19 PM, Carl J. Denbow wrote:
>>>>> Does anyone know the status the new display board that is coming out
>>>>> for
>>>>> the OMNI VII and ORION II?  I saw a prototype at Dayton and was
>>>>> assured
>>>>> that it was ready for production.  This board will allow, among  
>>>>> other
>>>>> things, for real time, continuous spectrum scope (like the ICOM 756
>>>>> pro
>>>>> series has).  I'm really looking forward to this new board, which is
>>>>> supposed to cost in the $300.00 range.
>>>>> Carl
>>>>> N8VZ
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