[TenTec] Hercules II fan noise

jac jacrux at googlemail.com
Tue Aug 26 12:53:23 EDT 2008

I have never had that noise from my Hercules II even when running 500 watts 
out.  In fact I was just on the air rag chewing on 20CW and the only fan 
noise I got was from the separate 25 amp (analog) supply for the Omni-V. Now 
that has a little fan that comes on almost at random and irritates me, but 
not enough to get me to junk the thing, even if I'm not using headphones.
Seems to me the noisy Hercules fan bearings and/or the fan mountings are shot, 
or maybe someone swapped the fan out for an unsuitable replacement. Worth 
investigating, because the fan has never been noisy here and I don't even 
notice it running - headphones or not.

Gratuitous advice department:
If your 9420 supply is erratic in starting up, take a look at the two power 
relays (AFTER disconnecting the AC line !)  My 9420 stopped switching on - it 
switched itself off immediately and I thought I had blown another pass 
transistor, but the problem was entirely due to dirty relay contacts not 
meeting properly. Now I have cleaned the contacts up and tweaked the blades a 
tiny tad so they close properly, the brute is working just like new. It don't 
get any easier to shift though...... 
For what its worth I also  have an extra earth cable from the 9420 to the 
Omni-V - Hercules II - 253 auto ATU stack. Its made from a length of 120 
strand 100 amp amp industrial ground cable parallelled up with the regular 
power cable, with a spiral wrap cable tidy around the lot to keep it looking 
Other 9420 mods on request - I did several inside, but you may not have had my 
unusual problem.

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