[TenTec] OmniVI+ 30M L.O. instability

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Sat Aug 30 21:58:06 EDT 2008

> Sent mine back to Ten Tec and they replaced the crystal oven with a 
> TCXO.  Common replacement.
The 20 MHz TCXO or crystal oven oscillator is used as the reference 
oscillator for the VFO PLL system and for all of the band select VCXOs. 
If the problem is only on one band, it is perhaps possible that 
something about the amplitude or phase noise from the 20 MHz reference 
might cause a problem only with the 30 Meter VCXO and not with any other 
bands. Seems a lot more likely that the problem is in the 30 meter VCXO, 
than in the reference oscillator though.


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