[TenTec] Time Sharing Radio Access?

Jim Brown K9YC k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Dec 16 12:36:49 EST 2008

>It would be an interesting side-line.

This is not the spirit of ham radio that I grew up with. The 
tradition of ham radio is helping your fellow hams and 
contributing to your community. Certainly the burden of rent 
and other expenses of putting together a station ought to be 
shared, but please forgive me if I am apalled by an interest 
in making money on something like this. 

>For anyone thinking of starting a small business be very 
>careful of running afoul of the Justice Department

There's nothing illegal about charging rent or leasing 
equipment and space. 

>getting a group together to construct a remote control 
>station is an absolutely great project for those who live 
>where they cannot have a station

Yes. Where I live in Northern California, a number of hams 
have found land in remote areas and put together stations 
over a period of years. They work in the city, but take off 
on occasional weekends to play ham radio. Some do this in 
pairs or in small groups. There's cost in doing this, as 
well as a lot of work, and that cost is shared. 


Jim K9YC

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