[TenTec] Digital (PSK31) Communications
f8ehj at free.fr
Sat Feb 2 14:26:29 EST 2008
OK, thanks,
We must light ALC LED and what about MIC GAIN ?
If I want reduce OUTPUT RF POWER, do I must reduce MIC GAIN ?
herve F8EHJ
Le 2 févr. 08 à 18:41, Bob McGraw - K4TAX a écrit :
> Agreed. If the ALC light blinks either you have too much mic gain
> or too
> much signal from the sound card. There should be NO ALC action for
> a good
> clean PSK-31 signal.
> With Tentec radios, when properly adjusted and with the correct
> level from
> the sound card, you should receive IMD reports during idle from the
> other
> station in the order of -25 to -30 dB. If your IMD is higher than
> this,
> i.e. -20 to - 10 dB, then you have too much signal from the sound
> card or
> you are operating the transmitter at too high of power output.
> If you are not sure, ask a station that you are in contact with to
> give you
> an IMD report. To do this you must not transmit data, just let the
> system
> idle without typing for 10 to 20 secs. Have the other station let the
> software on the receiving end provide you a signal report. If your
> IMD is
> high, then reduce the level from the soundcard or the interface
> device that
> you are using.
> For a 100 watt radio, your power output should be 25 to 35 watts.
> It all
> cases it is normal to have the radio set so that it is capable of
> producing
> 100 watts of output. However, it should be driven with level from
> the sound
> card so as to produce no more than 25 to 35 watts of actual power.
> Do not
> turn radio power down. Turn sound card level down.
> 73
> Bob, K4TAX
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "KXB" <w7kxb at msn.com>
> To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 11:28 AM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Digital (PSK31) Communications
> Hello Herve
> In psk, "DO NOT BLINK THE LIGHT" period
> Carry-on
> Bill Harris w7kxb
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: F8EHJ<mailto:f8ehj at free.fr>
> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment<mailto:tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 8:49 AM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Digital (PSK31) Communications
> Hello,
> I subscribe to this list for this reason :
> What is the adjustement for PSK31 using a Ten tec jupiter.
> I am agree with you that ALC indicator should not be always lighted.
> So I adjust sound card output level to have ALC led blinking with
> modulation.
> But what about MIC GAIN ? I selected in the menu line mic for input.
> There is a relation between MIC GAIN, ALC and RF OUTPUT !
> If I decrease RF POWER I must decrease MIC GAIN to have ALC
> blinking.
> (or I must decrease sound card OUTPUT LEVEL.
> Thanks for explain.
> best 73's
> Herve F8EHJ
> Le 2 févr. 08 à 17:38, Bob McGraw - K4TAX a écrit :
>> A comment to the point of setting vs. controlling the power on the
>> Jupiter.
>> For modes like PSK-31 the Jupiter should be configured to operate
>> at its
>> rated output power or 100 watts. Then the actual power output
>> should be
>> controlled by the PSK-31 software or the sound card output level or
>> interface output level to the Jupiter so as to cause the Jupiter to
>> produce
>> some 25 to 35 watts of power. This will prevent the ALC activation
>> and
>> subsequent distortion from being generated and transmitted. Also,
>> any SP or
>> speech processing should be OFF.
>> It should be noted that the PSK-31 signal will cause the power
>> output to
>> vary slightly depending on if idle or data is being transmitted.
>> This is
>> normal and the amount of variation depends on several factors, such
>> as tone
>> frequency, power meter response and dampening and etc.
>> Here is the basic NO NO. Reduction of the Jupiter power to 25 to
>> 35 watts
>> and then have the sound card audio drive the Jupiter to 25 to 35
>> watts will
>> activate the ALC and subsequent distortion of the transmitted
>> signal will
>> likely result. This produces a transmitted signal that is several
>> hundred
>> Hz wide and thus an annoyance or interference to others on the band.
>> In general it is frowned upon to run "high power" on PSK-31. The
>> issue with
>> this lies in the fact that an exceptionally strong signal adjacent
>> to a weak
>> signal, both within the IF passband, will cause the strong signal to
>> capture the AGC and thus further suppress the weaker signal. As a
>> general
>> "rule of thumb" one should always operate with actual PSK-31 power
>> output
>> being no more than 25% to 35% of the rated transmitter power.
>> 73
>> Bob, K4TAX
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "ron" <roncasa at verizon.net<mailto:roncasa at verizon.net>>
>> To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment"
> <tentec at contesting.com<mailto:tentec at contesting.com>>
>> Sent: Saturday, February 02, 2008 9:42 AM
>> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Digital (PSK31) Communications
>>> Henry Mackey wrote:
>>>> The power setting on the Jupiter was at 100%. However, I would
>>>> reduce
>>>> the power according to the rigs meter to 20-25 watts and avoid
>>>> any ALC.
>>> 25 watts??
>>> For a mode that only needs minimal wattage??
>>> Try less and be amazed. (the spectrum would also be cleaner if we
>>> all did)
>>> (smile)
>>> Ron
>>> "the 516 is a keeper"
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