[TenTec] OT:: Test Comcast is at it again

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Mon Feb 11 08:22:00 EST 2008

I've had issues in the past with Comcast blocking my mail, both that being 
sent and received.  Further investigation concluded that Comcast' method was 
blocking entire E-Mail servers.  Their reason given, "due to spam being 
generated from the server".  How lame.  A work-a-round was found by our ISP 
and that was to configure the server as and "authenticated" mail server. 
This does require a slight configuration change with the user's e-mail 
program.  Once this was done, then the issues subsided.

Frankly, I think the approach by Comcast to block entire servers is somewhat 
childish an rather unprofessional.  I suggest that the ISP operators simply 
turn the tables and ban all Comcast servers.  That would allow Comcast users 
to only communicate with only Comcast users, therefore not receiving mail 
nor sending mail to others.  This being done, I think Comcast would come to 
their senses rather promptly.  After all, it is the same method as the 
Comcast approach to solving the issue so working it in reverse seems 
reasonable.  In practice, doubtful.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Smith" <Gary at doctorgary.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, February 11, 2008 6:53 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OT:: Test Comcast is at it again

>A workable solution is to get a free gmail account. With this comes a
> free POP3 account. You then configure your email program to read this
> additional email. You will get all your email in both places; at youg
> google mail page and in your regular emali program (I use Pegasus at
> pmail.com).
> This does several good things; you can get your mail on the road from
> any internet source and as long as you can access Google from your
> computer, google mail will not be blocked from comcast or any other
> provider.
> Additionally, if your provider is blocked by a reflector, email you
> send from your google mail page will not be blocked. Win/Win
> And it's free.
> Gary
> ka1j
> (also at ka1j.gary at gmail.com)
>> Comcast seems to be blocking email from contesting.com....again
>> Sorry for this OT post.
>> Ed W3NR
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