[TenTec] Orion firmware gripes!

Sain'T Tom dxhawg at windstream.net
Mon Feb 25 17:17:55 EST 2008

Amen to the Ten-Tec service dept.  They are still helping me with my Omni-Ds 
and 544s.  These rigs are pushing 30 years.  Will Yaecomwood help you with a 
rig of theirs that is that old?  Will Elecraft and others be around in 30 
years.  Does anyone else offer such service.
Even if another brand can squeeze a few more dB out of some receiving 
category, in practical use could you tell any difference between an Orion 
and whatever you are comparing it with.  All good brands work well.  I 
believe most folks who bash Ten-Tec have never used one, or never used one 
long enough to get used to the way Ten-Tec rigs are operated.

A good 25+ year old Omni-D can still bring between $300 and $400 on ebay.

Just my 4 cents (inflation) worth.  I'm waiting on the next Omni to make my 
technological update.

Tom K4RV

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "roncasa" <roncasa at verizon.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 20:38
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Orion firmware gripes!

> Rick Williams wrote:
>> Finally - before anyone asks, NO I'm not about to sell
>> my Orion and move on.  Here's why.  I recently was
>> asked to help a friend sell a old top of the line
>> non-T-T rig that was last produced in 1999.
>> Apparently this rig is not wanted without an updated
>> eprom.  For the last 2 years the manufacturer has not
>> supported the rig and will not be producing any
>> updated eproms.  So here's a rig, less than 10 years
>> old, that cost in the vicinity of $3,000 and it's a
>> door stop.  Ten-Tec has helped many of us over the
>> years with older rigs.  Some parts are not available
>> BUT it seems in their service department a 10 year old
>> rig is barely broken-in!  I sincerely thank them for
>> this and that's what keeps me here!
>> Now I'm off to find my "flame-proof" suit.
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