[TenTec] fix OMNI V

Paolo Emanuelli ik1qhb at libero.it
Sat Jan 5 17:48:41 EST 2008

Hi To everybody

Many Thanks to all for the very fast reply
Carl N4PY... Your Chip is already installed with satisfaction, with all 
filters and Inrad roofing 600 Hz  and 2800 SSB Inrad filter.
The Xtal seems to be good, i think could be some connestor or bad solder...
Tony W1OT..... Yes i have already see the schematics and also me was sure 
the problem is all around Y3 on that XTAL Osc.-LO schede.
The problem is hard to resolve at the moment because immediately when you 
open the cabinet the problem disappear... at the moment.
Thank also to K8CV, i will use wooden stick. I have see the connector, and 
some time i have insert it but the signal part remain outside of the hole... 
because there isn't a real connector but only wire...

Anyway when resolve i will put a message on the group.

P.S. The INRAD roofing is a good investment.

Paul IK1QHB 

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