[TenTec] RFI from USB-to-serial adaptor cable

Rick Denney rick at rickdenney.com
Sun Jan 6 22:48:54 EST 2008

d.e.warnick at comcast.net writes...

> I'm running a Keyspan 4-port Serial adapter with no problems at
> all. It came up as Com 3, 4, 5, & 6 on my system under Vista. Yep,
> works fine on vista with MixW to my Omni VI+. Thanks to Carl for the
> advice

And Kirk writes,

> I'll second Dave's message.  I've been using the Keyspan 4-port
> serial adapter for several months and never had a problem.  Pricy
> but good quality.

Dave and Kirk, thanks for the information. I like both the multiple
ports and the price. I have built many systems for work that used the
old Digiboards, so the price didn't really scare me much. Those
puppies were expensive.

I just ordered one from Amazon.

Rick, KR9D

Richard W. Denney, Jr. PE|Iteris, Inc.
Associate Vice President |107 Carpenter Dr. Ste 230 |    703.925.3819
rwd at iteris.com           |Sterling, VA 20164        |Fax 703.471.1757

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