[TenTec] ot

Gary Smith Gary at doctorgary.net
Thu Jan 10 13:10:22 EST 2008

I'm not one of the big dogs in copying CW. I did get a certificate 
for copying 45 wpm back in the early 90's but put my equipment away 
after moving into a basement apartment in Chicago after getting a 
divorce in 95. 

It sucks to go from a 110' tall tower with KLM monobanders & a series 
of vertically polarized delta loops with vac-variable coupling at the 
feedpoints to allow 1:1 SWR coverage of all frequencies on all HF 
bands to living underground with no option of an outdoor or even 
ground level antenna. 

After that I was never in a place to really operate so everything was 
kept as mothballed until this last fall when I moved to a new QTH and 
can now have a station that transmits again.

I'm sure it's a real gas to copy at 60 wpm & I'd like that but I 
can't type that fast with my bad left hand so I don't use the 
keyboard to send & I can only send around 35 or so cleanly with the 
iambic. Not sure how many there are that send & copy at those 
stratospheric speeds without reading their screens for the text, most 
everything I hear is roughly 35 & down; mostly down.

That said, my CW has taken a hit & I can't copy nearly as well as I 
could, I'm probably down to 30 wpm comfortably. 

So my suggestion of how to movre your cw copy speed upward:

I'm not in the least bit concerned about getting my top easy copy 
speed back as  though for I do love contesting on CW and that will be 
my muse. Getting involved in first time copy of call signs is a real 
learning tool and the more CW contests someone enters, the faster 
your copy will become. 

Heck, you don't have to be a participant even, you can just make the 
game of seeking as many call signs and logging them as you hear them. 
When you see all the dupes coming and at high speed cw, you'll have a 
nice gauge as to how well you're doing.

Just another avenue to improving your speed in reasonable attainable 

Who has made but one SSB QSO in the last 7 months... I do love CW

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