[TenTec] Corsair 2 internal keyer acting up

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at storm.weather.net
Tue Jan 22 21:53:04 EST 2008

On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 21:08 -0500, Andrew Moore wrote:
> Has anyone experienced internal keyer "lockup" on a Corsair II?  More
> important, does anyone have a solution?
> The keyer in the Corsair II I'm using acts up intermittently and
> appears to be triggered by transmitting.  Power level doesn't seem to
> matter much -- drive all the way up or down.  The dot side still works
> but dash ceases.  The only solution I've found is to power cycle the
> rig.
> The antenna is a dipole cut for lower 40 meters, and that's where I'm
> transmitting.  Rig is connected to 962 power supply via a thick
> braided cable, and supply is connected to cold water pipe in basement
> (where water supply enters house) via similar cable.
> Strange part is that I've experienced this on at least one other (and
> maybe two) Corsair II many years ago.
> Is this a common problem, and is there an easy solution other than
> using an outboard keyer? (don't have one yet so haven't tried)
> Thanks,
> --Andrew

Since the keyer is uses the microprocessor chip that also does the
digital display, I'd suspect the electrolytic capacitors on that board.
They have been known to go bad and upset other operations, including
power down reset.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

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