[TenTec] Orion Sweep vs External Panadaptor,

Rick Williams ve7asr at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 29 01:31:46 EST 2008

I don't know how the subject line got altered but I
have Carl's software and have used the built in scope.
 The hardware constraints on the N4PY scope make it
somewhat slow and will not allow it to work while in
split mode.  

Sorry but a good sweep has to work in split.


To: 	"Ten Tec List" <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] ORION II CW pile up readability
From: 	"Toby Pennington" <toby423 at embarqmail.com>

Rick VE7ASR wrote"  I'm sorry to say but I have found
my Orion (565) sweep
to be next to useless.  With the version 2 firmware
upgrade the rig doesn't crash with the sweep activated
but it isn't very useful.  Years ago I had a Heathkit
series 6xx external Panadapter scope that, in my
opinion, provided more useful information..>>>>>

A less expensive option would be to buy the N4PY
control program which has a 
very good sweep feature,  better than on the Orion for

Carl's program is not a real time spectrum scope but
scans the band like the 
Jupiter or Omni 7.  However it scans fairly rapidly, 
and you can click on any 
of the signal spikes with your mouse to immediately
transfer there with your 
VFO.  You can set it for continuos scan and keep
updated on the band.  The 
program uses the second VFO on the Orion to do the
scanning,  and your main 
reciever does not go dead during the scan.  

I find his little scope to be quite good  especially
when set to high 

Toby  W4CAK

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