[TenTec] Omni VII Mic

Steve Berg wa9jml at tbc.net
Wed Jul 2 15:43:22 EDT 2008

There is someone on e-bay who is selling 4 to 8 pin adapters.  I do not 
know if these would help.  I have been soldering 4 pin plugs onto D104 
and Shure 444 mics for years so I can use them with my Ten Tecs.


Steve WA9JML

DW Holtman wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for a mic for a newely aquired Omni VII. Will a 705 or a 708 
> work If I rewire the plug and put on an 8 pin plug?
> Any other suggestions on a good mic? Ten Tec will not have any for sale 
> until the end of July.
> Thank you in advance for any help.
> Best,
> DW Holtman
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