[TenTec] OT SWR VS Power Loss

Steve Hunt steve at karinya.net
Mon Jul 7 05:25:46 EDT 2008

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson wrote:
>> As Jerry points out, there are some amongst us who believe that a tuner at 
>> the antenna feed point  tunes the antenna wire to resonance. It does not. 
> Why not? The tuner can supply the needed series capacitive reactance to
> bring the feed impedance resistive. Isn't a resistive feed impedance (no
> matter what the magnitude) the definition of resonance? And when that
> antenna is resonant, isn't the current in the wire maximized? Isn't
> there a possibility of greater circulating current than feedline
> current, if the antenna Q is higher.

Mischievously .......  I just tried an interesting experiment. I took a 
100 Ohm resistor in series with a 100pF capacitor and placed them across 
the "antenna" terminals of my tuner. I watched them carefully as I 
adjusted the tuner for a 50 Ohm match. At no time did I see any change 
in the physical appearance of the resistor or capacitor, so I don't see 
how the tuner was making them "resonant". I was disappointed - I'd hoped 
from your description I might see them "morph" into a 50 Ohm resistor 
before my very eyes :)

Steve G3TXQ

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