[TenTec] Need more help on RIT/XIT

Martin Ewing AA6E aa6e at ewing.homedns.org
Sun Jul 13 13:20:40 EDT 2008

This discussion is fascinating.  I hope it leads to a definitive fix. 

My Orion gets into the stuck RIT mode fairly often, but I (almost?) 
always find that it goes away if I grasp the RIT encoder knob and pull 
firmly outward.  Others have reported this, and it naturally leads you 
to think about a bad encoder or solder joint.  But possibly I am flexing 
the board to jostle the connector just enough to clear the tin/tin oxide 
barrier - if that's what it is. 

A permanent fix might be to add some bias current to the appropriate 
circuit path - a milliamp, maybe.  Or get a cable with gold plated 
connectors.  (Or put in a cell phone vibrator to loosen things up on 
command? :-)


Martin Ewing, AA6E
aa6e at ewing.homedns.org

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