[TenTec] OT Antenna Tuners

John Cox jecox at tri-lakes.net
Wed Jul 30 18:58:07 EDT 2008

My first transmitter was the one shown on page 154 of the 1954 ARRL Radio 
Amateurs Handbook.  A 6AG7 putting out 5 watts.    I gave it a few years ago 
when I moved to Missouri to a fellow aviator that was a ham.  I asked him 
recently, hoping to get it back, if he still had it.  He had trash canned it 
If I can find the parts I may build another one just to look at in my old 
 The reciever that I used with it was a Hallicrafters S-53A that I still 
have. My Boy Scout master sold it to me for what I had in my pocket. Which 
wasn't much.  I worked Minnasota on 80 meters CW from Riverside, California. 
My first contact as a novice on 80 meters was with a really nice guy in 
Colton, California, which was about 10 or 15 miles away.  My signal was so 
weak that he had me send my phone number and shortly there after my mother 
came out to the shack to tell me that I had a phone call.  He came over the 
next week end and fixed my antenna which was an end feed piece of wire that 
was snaked around my small back yard.  I wish I could remember his name and 
call so that I could call and thank him again.  I am 69 now so he is 
probably a SK.  My call back then was KN6HSG.
I currently have a Omni VI with a folded dipole and am assembling a Steppir 
2 element with the 40 meter/ 6 meter option.
I hope that I don't need to call him to get it working.
73 John KC0YAI
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim WA9YSD" <wa9ysd at yahoo.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 4:23 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] OT Antenna Tuners

> Yup my first radio was a DX-60A and an NC-190 receiver. I used a 60W light 
> bulb as the dummy load and worked Illinois with it.
> Keep The Faith, Jim K9TF/WA9YSD
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