[TenTec] Power Pole noises

Mike Bryce prosolar at sssnet.com
Sun Jun 15 10:42:11 EDT 2008


I started this thread with my mention of noise from the local power  

S-9+40 over on all frequencies from Broadcast to FM..

Called the power company

1. Linemen can't fix.
2. They (the linemen) referred my call to the engineers
3. They (the engineers) would call me and set up an appointment to  
install a device to monitor line voltage ( I could not get into  
anyone's head there was nothing wrong with the voltage, it's RFI!)
4. No one called
5. Noise still there. I was basically shut down from any HF activity
6. New thunderstorm rolls through friday night
7. Lightning hits power pole that was making the noise
8. Lighting strike takes out one transformer (there's three on this  
9. BBQs assorted parts
10. Linemen replace and repair pieces parts
11. Noise is gone

Life is good!

Mike, WB8VGE
SunLight Energy Systems
The Heathkit Shop
J e e p
Note: No trees were killed in the sending of this message, but a  
large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced

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