[TenTec] New generation ham's-offtopic but had to say something

Rick Denney rick at rickdenney.com
Thu May 1 14:36:58 EDT 2008

Bob Close writes...

> I guess I had better get working on being depressed, and give up...

Bob, I don't really know how to respond to your post. The dripping
irony seems to suggest that you were under attack, and since you sent
this message both to the list and directly to me, you must see me as
the attacker. That was not certainly not intended, and as I reread my
post I still don't see how it might come across that way. But it did,
so I'm sorry.

Once the irony is filtered out, the activities you describe seem to
demonstrate agreement with what I said, so I'll let that stand as
such. There are compulsive adherents in every hobby, and triathlon has
no more a corner on that market than does ham radio. And we all either
accept the challenges before us or we don't. Sometimes we face them
voluntarily, and sometimes not. I don't see any evidence that you
turned away from them, but recognize that there are lot more
challenges in amateur radio than learning Morse code. The view from
the top is directly proportional to the steepness of the climb.

Rick, KR9D

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